The number 2 is ruled by the Moon and it is advised that the owner of the house with number 2 should use the house for self. The lucky house numbers for people with number 2 life path and psychic number are 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9. The house number 1 is a sign of leadership, ambition and new-beginnings. The lucky house numbers for people with number 1 life path and psychic number are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9. We follow the basic rule of the numeric value of each alphabet to calculate the number: Below are the alphabets with their corresponding numeric value:įor eg., if the address is 139A, the numerology of the house is 1+3+9+1= 14 = 1+4 = 5 House Number 1 in Indian Numerology To calculate a house’s numerology, both the alphabets and the house number are calculated.
How to calculate the numerology of your house number For renting a property, consider birth date number, which is also called the Psychic number.
Life Path Number is a single-digit total of your full date of birth.

Houses with vibration 9 usually have too much heavy energy. It attracts money and will be perfect for people with big goals in their lives. House with numerology vibration 8 is perfect for business. Usually it has the latest technology inside. House number 7 has a bright feel to it and can have too much energy. This house is full of love and warmth, it has a pleasant feel. It is very well decorated and visually appealing. House with numerology vibration 6 is a warm and happy house, perfect for families. A home like this is a happy home, full of warm energy and success. A house with vibration 5 usually looks good and appreciates in value. This house has a vibrant, happy and lucky vibration. People inside will have to deal with a lot of gardening and peculiar jobs. It represents a strong house with clean décor. This house has a solid and protective vibe. People living in this house will often be very active and happy and feeling social. It is perfect for entertaining any kind of guests. This numerology house is full of warmth and loving feelings. This house has a special quiet and nurturing energy. It is especially good for younger generations because of a vibrant environment. It is a home full of passion and it is a good home for doing any kind of business. This house has active and energetic vibration.

Here is the numerology description of each house number: NUMEROLOGY HOUSE NUMBER 1 Hollywood blvd 243 = 4 Chaldean vibrationġ331 Abbot Kinney Blvd = 4 Chaldean vibration To get the vibration of your house, you should write down your street number.Ħ 5 5 1 3 5 2 3 6 4 2 0 4 5 = sum is 51 = 6 in Chaldean numerology. Of course the vibration of your house should be in harmony with your birth date. You will be able to find out what energy is predominant in your house. You can always analyze where you currently live. Numerology Number Of Your House Are the street name and number important?